Nothing left to lose
She is still the same, but not in a bad way.
I still like her as much as I did before.
Even if it has gone many years since the first time we met,
she is still making me feel great.
Then I left the city and her, I went to another friend on the way home.
We did play guitar, and took a cop of tea with his father.
Then it was time for me to get home, so I´ve been picked up by my father.
Now it´s time for bed, this always making me sad.
So I say godnight to you all, It is just another brick in the wall.
Det här blev inte så bra som det var tänkt, men min hjärna fungerar inte under stress.
Kort tid och skrivande är inte min grej, men det kändes bättre än att inte nämna dig.
Ahw, vilken fin dikt :')
Såklart vi kan träffas ikväll.
Philip och jag tar kvart över 4 bussen, men
vi kan väl höras av? Puss <3
Jag ska köpa en tjock tröja till Mysis, hon ville ha det ~